
Author Archives: Chris Kreiner

Rattle in the Big Boys

Do you use calling to lure in your deer?  Here is a little tip from Mark Maggs on his rattling techniques to lure in the big boys. I start with doe estrus bleats and allow a couple minutes to pass by and do some tending grunts.  After a minute or so follow up with a couple snort wheezes then the action starts.  30-90 seconds after the snort wheeze I go into a full fledged brawl with the banging antlers for 6-8 minutes.   After that  READ MORE…

Brown its Down

“Brown its Down”, Where does that phrase come from and why is it used so freely amongst my brothers in the hunting world?  I used to use this phrase but then realized there is more to deer hunting then filling the freezer.  Whitetail deer are plentiful most everywhere in the country and hunters are often very successful at filling their tags. Regardless of what kind of deer hunter you are you get excited when you see that monster across the  READ MORE…

Staking your Claim

I often think about where I am at and the bridges I have crossed to become a small part of a growing trend. The outdoor market is flooded with men and women trying to stake their claim and find the nitch that sets them apart from a thousand others wanting to be the next Lee and Tiffany. There are many wanna bees through out the industry. For some reason everyone seems to think they can be a movie star overnight.  READ MORE…

Michigan’s Opening Day

Opening day here in Michigan has been one of those days that should be a State holiday. Men and Women take the day off from work to put on the blaze orange vest and hit the woods with the anticipation of seeing that monster buck. Our brother Mike Kreiner at 18 has been around my brothers and I since the start of our local QDM co-op. He had seen the numerous bucks that we have passed year in and year  READ MORE…